Friday, August 27, 2010

Disabusal via Grooveshark Mad-Lib

Sometimes you're sitting at your desk thinking, "I'd love to be listening to [1. band name], I haven't heard them in [2. amount of time] and so you go over to [3. website with music] and see if they have [4. album/song by above] by them. You are all psyched because you used to really dig them because [5. reason for love of band]." So that's exactly what you do. And then you find out that really they're pretty boring because [6. reason they are boring].

My answers for today:
1. HUM

2. Grooveshark

3. like ten years?

4. ``You'd prefer an Astronaut"

5. they were heavy and had a cool loud/QUIET/loud thing going on.

6. they have way too much chorus on their guitars and the songs are pretty much snoresville except for the "d/Q" parts of the song!!!

* "d/Q " parts are where it goes from QUIET to loud.

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